Soldiering On

[photo credit: flickr user Andre Rodrigues]
I must’ve argued with myself a dozen or so times about whether I should write this post. I loathe writing about myself.

But this post is really for you. See, I understand what a blog reader feels when he or she hasn’t seen a new post at a favorite blog for a long time. You think, “Are they all right? Is everything OK? Has the blog been abandoned? Will there be new posts?”

Many of you have emailed me such questions, and I’ve written back. But then, I thought I’d write here as well for those readers who had the same questions but did not email.

Short answer: Yes, I’m fine. No, The Invisible Scar has not stopped publication. Yes, a new post is slated for Monday, May 1.

Longer answer:  Several months ago, the company where I worked for almost a decade had a major restructure. A few of us were laid off before the holidays. It was a brutal hit, financially, emotionally, everything-ly.

It hurt.

But being the primary breadwinner of a family of six means you cannot fall apart. You get up…even if it’s slowly, if your ears are ringing from the hard hit, if you don’t want to. You put one foot in front of the other, and you get moving. You get done what needs to get done.

You pray, you cry, you hope. You look for a break of the light in the clouds and soldier on.

Soldiering on, however, is exhausting, and it left me little energy for The Invisible Scar. Despite my love for its focus and readers (I pray for you regularly), I had to put the blog on hold and focus on finding work.

Now, months later, the clouds are beginning to dissipate. My resume gleams; I’ve steady freelance work at an amazing content marketing agency; I’ve interviews lined up for full-time work.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to find peace and joy, even while soldiering on.

That’s why I’m sharing this personal story here.

If you’re a regular reader of The Invisible Scar, you know I never share about myself. The focus is you, not me. (My only personal post is about a friend’s suicide.) But I wanted to let you know that everyone goes through bad times.

Everyone gets blindsided at some point. Everyone gets hit hard emotionally and loses their breath. Everyone has suffered. Everyone has really terrible events happen—sometimes, even in succession. You might not think so because people often smile through pain, they joke through tears, they hide their hurts.

But it’s human to get hurt. And it’s also very human to have hope.

So, if you’re going through a really bad time, please know that you’re not alone. Soldier on. Don’t look at the whole path. Focus on this moment, right now, and put one foot in front of the other. Pause but never, ever, ever, ever quit moving forward.

Onward and upward, friends.

Veronica Jarski is the founder and writer of The Invisible Scar, a passion project dedicated to raising awareness of emotional child abuse averonicajarski-profilepic-smallnd its effects on adult survivors. She has extensive editorial experience and a bachelor’s degree in journalism. Her work has been featured on myriad online publications. She also is the author of an e-book about waking up to the realization that one had an emotionally abusive childhood.

20 thoughts on “Soldiering On

  1. Big hugs to you. I am glad to hear that you are doing better and that things are looking better.

    Thank you for all that you do for us readers and thank you for telling us about what has been happening with you. Much love xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing this Veronica. Yes we all go through rough times. And change can be difficult to process, especially when it’s forced upon us. We survivors know a little about weathering storms. Glad you and your family are fine. Looking forward to reading your next post. Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry to hear this. What a difficult situation. My thoughts are with you–wishing you the strength to prevail and not be defeated by your circumstances. You’re a survivor and you’ve brought others on this site much strength and comfort. We (I’m sure I’m not alone in this) send you the same.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I now what it feels, and does unpredictable hurting situations, can repeat it self several times in a life time span. Thanks, São

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “…
    Though much is taken, much abides; and though / We are not now that strength which in old days / Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are, / one equal temper of heroic hearts, / Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will / To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

    – Tennyson


  6. Sending you strength, healing & love Veronica. I’ve found that from the depths of pain comes wisdom, patience & insight.
    Shine on !!! xxx


  7. I’m sending you all the best. ❤ I think losing a job you like in a place you like that feels a little like the family you never had is extra traumatic for people from difficult childhoods because of the "Oh no, not again!" component to it – am I safe? I thought they liked me? etc

    I'm sure a year from now you'll look back and see good things that you wouldn't have experienced if you hadn't lost your "safe" employment ( bit of an oxymoron these days). Until then, our thoughts are with you on this, just as yours have been with us about the emotional abuse. God bless. ❤


  8. I have to comment Veronica, because I’ve had a glimpse of what you must have gone through. My daughter is a young blogger (different category-thankfully 🙂 ) & she broke down in my arms yesterday from the pressure of meeting deadlines she’s created for herself & juggling a job too. I thought of you immediately & sent her this link.

    You have put so much on the line to provide support to so many. You have created a place for people to come together to share their common experiences & stories. For this we thank you. You have enough material on here for us to read & re-read & research on some more. We know we are not alone & we want You to know that we send you back that strength, hope, light & healing that this place has given us all, so many times over the years.

    Please know that any pressure you may feel from some of your readers is far out-weighed by the appreciation, love & respect the rest of us feel. Please give yourself the time & self-care your body, mind & spirit needs to be the shining light you are.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Veronica, I am new to your blog. My therapist mentioned it today. I am happy to be here. Just awakening, at 45, better late than never I guess. Thank you for efforts in putting al these together. I have already read a bunch of articles and have a lot to think about. Greetings from Argentina. Norberto


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