17 Excuses People Give to Avoid Going to Talk Therapy (and Why They Should Really Rethink Them)

If you’ve been reading the Invisible Scar articles for some time, you know that we are proponents of therapy. We don’t espouse a specific psychological approach nor do we care whether you choose a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or counselor. We do care about Invisible Scar readers, though, and so we repeat (often) the phrase please … More 17 Excuses People Give to Avoid Going to Talk Therapy (and Why They Should Really Rethink Them)

How Keeping a Journal Helps Your Mental Health & Emotional Healing

Your mind is full of thoughts, ideas, and memories that long to be shared. But you’re not sure just how much to share with your friends, how fleeting those thoughts are, whether you feel comfortable enough putting them in the mind of someone else. Consider regularly keeping a journal. “In particular, journaling can be especially … More How Keeping a Journal Helps Your Mental Health & Emotional Healing